Tuesday, July 16, 2024

1967 – Swanson Cops Title

Cal Swanson

Waterloo, Iowa (July 16, 1967) – Cal Swanson of Reinbeck won the 50-lap mid-season championship race at Tunis Speedway on Sunday night before 5,000 fans.

Bob Hilmer of Dysart finished second, right on Swanson’s rear bumper. The two had dueled for the lead after Red Droste was forced to drop out of the after leading the first 36 circuits. The engine on Droste’s car overheated, forcing him to leave the race.

The next three cars in the championship, Chub Liebe of Oelwein, Mert Williams of Rochester, Minn., and Tom Hughes of Monticello, were all on the same lead lap when the checkered flag dropped for Swanson.

Gene Chapman of Dubuque won the 25-lap consolation over Dave Warthen of Oelwein.

Chuck Larson of Waterloo won the cadette feature.

Results –

1. Cal Swanson, Reinbeck
2. Bob Hilmer, Dysart
3. Chub Liebe, Oelwein
4. Mert Williams, Rochester, Minn.
5. Tom Hughes, Monticello

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